Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dark Eldar Coven Raider Conversion

"Why do we ride atop these elegant craft? The better to hear the screams of our prey as we ride them down, to savour the fear etched on their faces, to taste the tantalising tang of their blood in the air as an appetiser before the feast. But most of all we ride them so that the slaughter may begin as soon as possible."
-Dariaq Bladetongue of the Pierced Eye

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dark Eldar Mandrake Proxies Painted

"Spawned in the darkest pits of the universe, the piratical Eldar are a curse upon all races of the galaxy. For untold thousands of years they have preyed upon us, stealing forth from the shadows and dark places on their raids of terror and violence; massacring or capturing all whose paths they cross. That they are utterly evil and inhuman is without question."

High Lord Khouron - Imperial Commander of Astherax

Monday, September 10, 2012

Something Dark Comes This Way

No I'm not done with Mariner's Blight yet…