Friday, March 22, 2013

DE Beastmaster & Critters

"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind."

I've been wanting to do a Beastmaster unit for quite some time and now that I'm making my Cult of Red Death…the time was right.

For the Beastmaster himself, I modified a standard Hellion figure so he looked like he was wearing a skull mask from a Clawed Fiend. I used a DE banner pole bit for clawed fiend skull and slapped it on a Scourge head.

The Khymerae and Clawed fiend are standard finecast figures posed on Scibor bases The detailing in the musculature and fur is amazing!

The Razorwings were my biggest gripe about the beastmaster figures. Birds? Really…That's it? Well I wanted something more alien, a kin to the creatures from Pitch Black. I smashed up a bunch of Tyranid bits and hope they don't look too Tyranid and more like general flying alien creatures.

I can't wait to paint these guys!


  1. Holy cow! you actually sprung for those models??? That dough could have prevented the sequester, lol. ;)

    1. I spend waaaayyyy too much on models man. Way too much.

  2. Those rare looking fantastic mate, ideas plundered for my own beaststar when it eventually eventuates.

    Especially those razor wings. Much more alien/nightmare looking then some blue birds.

  3. Cool stuff.
    The bases add a lot.
    Like what you did for the razorwing flock: very cool.
    Looks like you got some good finecasts too.

    1. Thanks Malthus.

      The razorwings were made with Carnifex tails, ripper bodies, and genestealer heads chopped and modified with scything talons for the bone crest.

  4. The conversions on this army really make me want to paint some DE man. Some of the models in their range are seriously killer! Great work as always.

  5. The Razorwings are perfect. When you first mentioned the Pitch Black aliens, I wasn't sure how your were going to pull it off, but it worked. I also don't think they are TOO niddy, and I would know ;)

  6. Cool take on the beastmasters :)

    I personally used Vampire Counts Vargheists for razorwing flocks :) and sculpted my own clawed fiend from the crypt horror in the same box, mostly to save money though :P

    But the beastmaster was awesome ;)

  7. That Beastmaster looks awesome!
    Gotta say I am loving that Razorwing flock. So much better then random birds...

  8. The Razorwings remind me very much of the alien flying creatures in the Dr Who episode - Planet of the Dead

  9. What bit did you say the skull face mask on the beast master came off of? They all look cool, but that mask would look cool for an idea I'd like to try.
