Fallout Hobbies is now producing pre-designed and custom designed vinyl airbrush stencils
Initially we were thinking metal stencils, but after a great conversation with Mr. Justin from Secret Weapon Miniatures, we opted to produce self-adhesive vinyl stencil sheets. We will be offering Pre-designed sheets as well as an option for custom designed sheets at the same prices as the decal sheets. Each vinyl sheet is 8” x 10” produced on a low-tack self-adhesive black vinyl. It won’t rip the paint off underneath and can be reused several times.
All current backers can elect to swap a pre-designed decal sheet for a pre-designed vinyl stencil, or a custom designed decal sheet for a custom designed vinyl stencil.
There's still 10 days to, so plenty of time to hop on and get custom and pre-made decal sheets at great prices before they go full retail price in August!
Support the Kickstart today for massive savings!
We have designed a new batch of predesigned vinyl stencils to choose from.
www.FalloutHobbies.com is live in beta mode!
Online ordering will be added after the Kickstarter campaign has completed, but please feel free to check out our full extensive product list and keep an eye on the site for frequent updates. The store will officially be open for business by mid-August.
Very, very cool, man! Awesome idea!