Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dark Eldar Grotesque Conversions

So if you are a DE enthusiast out, then you are probably tired of the Break Dancing Bigfoot that GW shamelessly dropped the ball on hard.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Asdrubael Vect and his Court Painted!

This has been a long time coming. I finally finished my custom Vect figure and his adjacent court. These are the first figures I've painted in over 4 months, ever since my son was born.
I figured it was time to get back in the saddle.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Necron Week Post 3, Fun with Warriors & Scrap Crons!

Here's 2 units of warriors for my Necron Army. First the regular warriors can be simply modified to match the new plastics by using leftover Gauss tubes from Immortal Gauss Cannons. While I was at it I decided to swap the axe like blades with the bayonet like blades from the Gauss Cannons.

Necron Week Post 2, Custom HQ Conversions & Figure Posing

In this post I'm going to discuss simple and effective HQ conversions as well ways to pose the new plastic kits for maximum effect.

Anrakyr The Traveller

Necron Week Post 1, Scarab Swarm Bases

This week is officially Necron Week at Eye of Error! I will have 3 posts up all with new and cool Necron content! Let's start off with something I learned online and tried for myself.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chaos Leviathan Mortis Progress

Part 5 - Designing the base

I started gathering materials to make the scenic base for this bad boy.

Monday, October 17, 2011

It's Necron Monday!

I Just figured in light of all the new Necron rumors that I'd throw a little gas on the fire by posting up some WIP's of some Necron unit's I was working on a few years ago.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Plotting and Scheming

First off

Let this illustration be a clue to a new army I'm scheming up right now.
All I have to say is it's going to be Chaotic... ;)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Devious Plans For The Future...

I'm just saying.... this is happening in the near future.
He is in my possession and plans are being laid as I write this....

Friday, August 19, 2011


After months of promising I finally deliver 10x Hellions ready to swoop in and raid some poor bastards!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dark Eldar Truborn & Venom Finished

Another unit finished for my Kabal of Endless Twilight.
WIP pics can be found HERE

I have to say, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Venoms, such a fun tight little model to build and paint.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Dark City, a dedicated Dark Eldar Forum

Hello all, for everyone that follows my forum and really really likes Dark Eldar, I suggest that you head on over to The Dark City. It's a new Dark Eldar dedicated forum run by fine drow; Sky Serpent. The site is in flux now, getting better and better every day. Come over and join the fun!

I've been doing some design/illustration work for them, here's a sample:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dark Eldar Incubi Raider

Here's some pics of my finished Dark Eldar Incubi Raider.

This Transport is painted in my Incubi Scheme and not my standard Kabal of Endless Twilight scheme.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dark Eldar Archon & Trueborn, plus Blogger Award

A WIP of the Archon can be seen HERE. I broke out my airbrush to try and make a pink crystal type of effect for the Power Sword. It's not 100% what I was going for, but it's close.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Something Old... Something New... Something Pink... Something Cruel... Part 1

A Few Years ago I converted a GI Joe Cobra Stellar Stiletto into a Slaanesh Flyer. It was damaged during a move and has been sitting broken in pieces in the bottom of my display case since then. I've decided to pull it out, repair it and add the glowing engine effects I did on my Dark Eldar Reavers. Here I will describe how I made the conversion. Part 2 will be after I fix it, add new details and rephotograph it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dark Eldar Reaver Jet Bikes

Here's some pics of my Dark Eldar Reaver Jet Bikes for my Kabal of The Endless Twilight. I used the same color palate as my Ravager and Voidraven. The only new things I did with the Reavers was to Airbrush the BladeVanes and use Armorcast Laser Muzzle effects for the engine bursts. I plan to do something similar with my Hellions as well.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dark Eldar Ravager Painted

My Dark Eldar Ravager is finished. I was using a similar painting technique to my Voidraven Bomber. The only new technique is that I made a set of decals for the aethersails. I wanted them to look like they were made form some kind of advanced mesh, so a decal seemed the best option. I designed them in illustrator, then printed the decal on a laser printer and applied.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Game Board In Progress

I'm almost done making a new Game Board for myself.
Here's 2 pics taken from my Iphone over the weekend.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Chaos Patrol Boat Part 2

Here's an update. Some pics after about 3 hours of airbrushing.

Chaos Patrol Boat Part 1

I decided it was time to finish up some old projects I had started, so here's some pics of my idea for a Chaos Patrol Boat that I began building about 4yrs ago. A little bit of water isn't going to stop these bad boys.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

BFG Dark Eldar Cruisers

Well I knew this would happen eventually. With so many great bits to work off of, it was almost impossible to resist the urge to make some BFG ships for Dark Eldar that didn't suck like the GW ones.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Voidraven is Painted!

This was my first attempt at Airbrushing in terms of miniatures (I've used them before for Art School projects). I laid down a 3 shade blue to black gradient across the model with the airbrush, then hand painted the blue highlights. All My airbrushing was done with Vallejo Air colors.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dark Eldar Scourges Painted

These guys have been a long time coming...but I finally Painted them.
The blue/grey armour is what the rest of my Kabal of Endless Twilight will be painted with. Aside from that I just wanted to try unique feather patterns for each scourge and realistic bone colored helmets.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dark Eldar Incubi & Drazhar Painted

Here's some pics of the newest finished addition to my Dark Eldar Army; 10x Incubi & Drazhar. I customized Drazhar to make him more current to the new sculpts. More info is in this POST

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dark Eldar Gladiator Diorama

Recently I entered this Diorama into 40kForums Dark Eldar Painting Competition and won 1st Place in the Pro Category.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

40k Forums Dark Eldar Competition

To all my readers that happen to be a member of 40k forums as well,
please swing over there and vote in their Dark Eldar Contest:

I have an entry in the Pro area, but sadly I can't say which cause the contest is supposed to be anonymous :p However... you might be able to guess from the Photography style.

But please take a second to go vote! :)

Sidenote: In 2 weeks when the contest is over I'll be posting a full work up on my entry with WIP shots as well as a whole slew of painted shots.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Court of the Archon

I've wanted to build a court for a while, but after extensive research into alternate figs for the Medusae and the Sslyth, I realized that I'd need to scratchbuild / convert most of it. In all the pics the bases are not finished and mold lines have not been fully cleaned yet.

Drazhar and a New Archon

I really already liked the old sculpt for Drazhar (probably the only good old Dark Eldar Sculpt), so I decided to use him and make a few modifications to make him more current to match the rest of my forthcoming Incubi.